Keeping it Together – Me and King Cake

Last year was a doozy.  Did I spell that right? The dictionary agrees I did, but maybe it’s not the right word for last year.  I think “doozy” is too positive a word.  Last year was frustrating – a bust. 


I did a few things that were productive during my isolation.  I have been consistent with my exercise program.  I’ve done a lot of reading and some writing.  Not so productive things like tearing my calf on a bike ride, getting a bout of Vertigo and then a bunch of ridiculous ear issues.  Who knew earwax could accumulate to such a degree to cause pain? 

Enough of 2020.  We survived it!  Now we are making plans.  Plan A and Plan B.  AND we have finally registered for a vaccine!  I suppose I shouldn’t get my hopes up; the wait will surely be long.

That brings me to King Cakes.  Recently I found a Bernie Meme with a little Bernie poking out of a slice of King Cake.  I found it hilarious!  However, my friends and neighbors didn’t because they didn’t know about King Cakes.  The following is my interpretation.

According to several Christian religions, 12 days after Christmas is the Epiphany.  This is the time that the Wise Men brought gifts to the baby Jesus and the beginning of Carnival.  New Orleans, by the way, is not the only city that celebrates this.  They just do an excellent job. 

King Cake

During the 6 weeks of Carnival people feast and have parties and parades.  At these parties they serve King Cake.

A King Cake is made of a sweet dough and braided into a circle somewhat like the crown of a king.  The outside is covered in icing and/or sugar that is colored green, purple and gold.  The three colors honor each of the Three Wise Men who brought gifts to the baby Jesus.  Inside the King Cake is a tiny baby doll.  I think you can guess the meaning of that.  Tradition has it that whoever receives the slice of cake containing the baby will host next years party. 

Does this make you want to join in the celebration?  Word has it that Randazzo’s Bakery has the best King Cake in New Orleans.  But there are tons of recipes for those who love to bake; this one is good

So, is it funny now?

Thank you, Bernie for lightening things up and being good natured about it.

Note: This blog is sponsored by me, Karen J Adams. Any recommendations or suggestions are purely my own opinion without the exchange of money.

 © Karen J Adams February 5, 2021

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